Clear yesterday’s plan to start with a blank slate.
Review your calendar and any inboxes
First, deal with any new emails or communications in other “inboxes”.
If any can be handled with a quick response, do those now.
If any mean new tasks for you, add them to DailyBalance so they can be planned.
You should strive to keep your inboxes as close to empty as possible. Delete or file emails that have been dealt with.
Emails hanging around often mean that you haven’t decided on what it means for you. Add a task to DailyBalance for each email like that so you force yourself to make decisions and get it off your plate.
If you have systems for work or other places that tasks can collect, go through those as well.
Check your calendar to understand your available time when planning your day.
For appointments on your calendar, ask yourself if you have any prep tasks. Add those to DailyBalance so that you can make an accurate plan for today.
Check your Incoming folders
If you have Triggers or have added tasks along the way, your Incoming folders might have new tasks.
Move any high priority tasks to your This Week folder.
Move other tasks to your Upcoming folder to reevaluate for next week.
Enable Review Reminders in Settings to automate this step and others. The Move All Tasks feature can also help.
Plan your day
Drag anything to the Day Planner that you want to work on today. If you did a weekly review this week, then you can just focus on what’s in your This Week folder.
Use the Sections in the Day Planner to manage your time. See the Planner Template Chooser for popular time management strategies.