If you are seeing ads all of a sudden, one reason could be that your Docs To Go Premium Key has been disabled. This could happen as part of Android’s battery optimization feature that disables apps that aren’t used very often.
Docs To Go Premium Key doesn’t get ‘run’ like a traditional app. It sits idly by and waits for Docs To Go Free to be run. Its presence is what turns on the Premium features in Docs To Go Free, including removal of ads, access to Cloud accounts and Desktop sync. If any of these features stop working suddenly, this might be the cause.
To fix it, you have to turn off this feature either altogether or just for Docs To Go Premium Key. Depending on the Android phone you have, it could be called something different.
Go to the Settings app on your Android phone and go under Battery. then look for Power Saving exclusions, Optimize Battery Usage, Adaptive Battery or something like this. Most of the time you will then see a list of apps and you can exclude any of them from being disabled. Do this for the Premium Key. This key will not affect your battery anyway, since it’s just there for when you run Docs To Go Free. If the setting is called Adaptive battery, you need to turn the whole setting off for this problem to go away. If you don’t want to do this, your other option is to click on the Premium Key to run Docs To Go instead of clicking on Docs To Go Free. The Key just “calls” Docs To Go Free so the end result is the same, but it should (we hope) prevent it from being disabled because it will be getting “active use”.